Tuesday, December 8, 2009


i can't really say that i've been swimming regularly, but last week i went swimming after a long time and i swam for 50 minutes, without a break, and not that slowly. i was almost dead when i got out of the pool, and yes, i shouln't have pushed myself so hard, but if you don't push yourself, you never acheive what you really want. I went swimming last night and i planned to swim 50 lengths but i swam 44 as i was swimming to time. i set myself a target, and said that i would get out of the pool by a certain time and i did, even though i wanted to carry on swimming. This is a display of committment and perseverece as i did not give up. I have become more disciplined, as before, i would have just done what i felt like doing, but now i feel i have definitely improved when it comes to doing things on time. i'm still nowhere near perfect, but i am much much better than i was!


I started piano lessons! i've been going once a week for about a month now and i feel i have already progressed alot. i have been committed and practice often. i am learning theory as well and it isn't as boring as i thought it would be. it's actually quite logical, and as thats how i think it makes it that much easier for me. my teacher(s) are very encouraging and supportive, but do not spoon feed me as i should already know the things i am learning. i have a piano at home and i practice regularly when i want to take a break from my work. playing the piano can be very relaxing (if you play it right!)My piano teacher told me that there is a concert in june so i will be practicing for that. I haven't perfonrmed in front of a proper audience for years so im abit nervous but if i practice regularly i think i should be fine.