Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Habitat for Humanity

I have been participating in Habitat for Humanity since i started school and Another member and I are incharge of the blog, so theres a link to that blog. It saves me re-writing everything on mine!

The aim of the program is to raise funds and build homes for displaced people. The house is built and the people livng in it gradually pay a fixed amount of money for it. This money is used to build another house for another family so the money is 'recycled' and many houses can be built this way.

During meetings on thursday afternoons plans for fundrasiing are discussed and ideas are pooled together in an attempt to formulate a way in which some money can be made. We are planning and initiating activities together and working collaboratively.

A point of discussion at the moment is whether the group should pay a certain amount of money to get chartered so that the OSC HforH group can be registered as a proper 'branch' of the organisation.

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