Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Alzheimers walk

As i am the leader of Alzheimers, i was in charge making sure that all the people in the group turned up at the walk on the 25th of september. As it was a little last minute because the CAS activities in school started late, it was hectic and only 3 people out of the 12 in the group could make it. The purpose of the walk was to raise awareness about the disease my walking along one of Colombo’s busiest roads with music, balloons and banners. We also distributed leaflets to passersby and put them into the cars that were passing. As well as being fun, the walk was good exercise as it took two hours and most of us were jumping around and carrying signs that got heavy after a while! i think i have been commited to this elective the whole year and done as much as i can for it so i am happy that i was able to make it to this walk!
I did not stay for the raffle as i had to get home, but i was happy with the money that the group in school raised and the tickets they sold. Overall, the group in school made 15000 rupees in less than a week. I was very happy with that, although some people just bought the tickets themselves and didn’t attempt to spread awareness through the raffle tickets. I made around 4000 on my own as i asked for some books in july, so i was also satisfied with my personal contribution.
In the future, i would like more of the members of the group i school to participate and make more of an effort to commit to this cause as at the moment i feel as though some of them may be there to waste time after school and to say that they are in a CAS group, yet do nothing for that group. I need to help motivate them which is a skill i need to develop.

Me selling raffle tickets during the summer at majestic city shopping mall:

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