Friday, April 1, 2011

Final Reflection-Action


I have done exercise at home and zumba! I have developed the skill of being disciplined and becoming more strict with what i do. I am also aware that the area of growth for me is that i become lazy towards the end of the day and do not feel like doing exercise then.

Swimming went well for me as it was also a new challenge that i undertook but i went every wednesday for a period of time last year. Although i retain the advice and critisism my instructor gave me, the area for growth is my lack of tenacity because as soon as i felt i had too much work to cope with i stopped going. This is an example of how i have failed to fulfill the criterion of persevering and being commited to something.
However, i was very happy with myself for participating in the school swimming meet. This really was an entirely NEW CHALLENGE for me as i had never even thought about participating in a meet. I did though and i did much better than i thoguht i would so i am happy with my effort!

Dancing is another activity that i did not continue as i found the classes boring and a waste of my time. I do not consider this a lack of commitment on my part asi attended the class every week but we did not learn alot at all and it was boring for me. However, i was complacent regarding finding a new class as i could have but i decided to focus on my academics as the other class was far frim my house and on saturdays which is when i go to the convent to teach english.

Alzheimers 5k walk: i am happy with my commitment to the program and i am also happy that i completed the walk. It was hot and humid but i showed perseverence and completed it.

Latin Dancing:
One of the after school activitites (ASA's) that i took part in was latin dancing. As i love dancing this was exciting for me but i had never done it before so it was a new challenge. I do not feel as i showed perseverence and commitment in this activity as i had my exams and i do not think went enough times. I am disappointed in my lack of commitment.

Natanda dancing: As above this was only on for a few weeks i thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a new challenge for me as i t was VERY difficult to grasp the technique as the movements were so painful to do.

For the two above i recognized that the area i need to develop is my commitment to things that are not compulsory but that i sign up for. I tend not to miss charity events etc but if it is an activity like dancing and my not being there doesnt affect anyone then i sometimes miss the activities which i think i a horrible thing to do.

Desi girl dance: the practcing and the performance of this dance took an immense amoutn of effort. This was a collaborative effort and all the dancers had to be commited and persevere to finish it. It was also a new challenge for me as i had never danced bollywood before and i want sure that i would grasp the steps properly. This was also the planned and initiated activity that i did with my friends the fellow dancers. It taught me that i needed to develop the skill of being patient and accepting others opinions but also that i could grasp the steps others choreographed fast and i kept to the beat of the song.

track and field: i did track and field but as i twisted my ankle i found i could not run so i never made the team as i stopped going for practices. As this was a result of an injury and not a lack of interes on my part i cannot comment on it.

wall climbing elective: i chose the wall climbing elective on wednesdays as i wanted to do exercise as much as possible, and i did it every wednesday until it was removed as an option for an elective. Thus i was commited and developed this skill becasue i found i could climb higher than some people and faster than i could before.

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