Thursday, March 31, 2011

Final Reflection-creativity

The time has come for my final reflection and i think i have achieved most of the aims i set for myself at the beginning of grade 12. I will assess what i have done regarding each criterion and each component of CAS.


Regarding playing the piano, i have an increased awareness of my strengths and weaknesses as i know that i am good at tone and fingering but i am also aware that i need to improve sight reading and speed and rhythm. With sightreading i think i have fully achieved my goal as i sat the exam in march and i was happy with the paper, i had no surprises and i am currently awaiting my results.

Piano concert: i played well in the concert and did not make any mistakes. I was proud of this achievement as i had put alot of time practising at home. I was commited to all the practices, so again i think this is an aim i achieved. Another Skill i developed here was staying calm in front of an audience and not panicking!

Also in the piano concert was a dance that we had to do with all the children in it. This collaborative activity benefitted me as i had to work with another person and accomodate that person's strengths and weaknesses. Although my dance partner was very good, i often had to dance with others for practice and this made me more patient as they often had no idea what they were doing. The new skill i developed is learning the jive steps and the basic step so now i can add that to my list of dancing techniques i have learnt.

Regarding playing the guitar, i do not think i have fulfilled this task. Although i have learnt a few more chords and am able to play very simple songs i do not think i have made much progress so i think my levels of commitment and perseverence in this task were poor and i am thoroughly disappointed with myself.

Regarding choir, i think i fulfilled my aims as i learnt how to control my voice and work collaboratively with others. I thik this was a new challenge for me as i had not sung in 4 years so i was unsure about how my voice would sound. I attended many practices, much more than my friends and i think my perseverence in this area is also something to be proud of for me.
Concert at food and fun fair: I think this was another goal i achieved as i had to sing for an audeince again. Again, collaboration was necessary as we sang without music so our voices needed to be perfectly in key and in harmony with the other voices.

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