Monday, March 28, 2011


My cousin introduced me to Zumba, (a south american style of dance) as she had a DVD and told me that it was a good work out. As i have not done any exercise for a while, i decided to do some.

On days that i have time, i do it for an hour and as it really tires me i feel much healthier after i finish!

I think the skill i haev developed by doing this is discipline. Even when i am in pain and feel like stopping, i force myself to carry on until the routine has finished. After having to force myself a few times, i get to the point where i don't have to think about what i'm doing and i dance without thinking. would like to apply this discipline to all other areas of my life as i am too relaxed and disorganised about everything e.g. doing assignments on time and i think the key to solving that problem is through discipline.
So not only am i gettin exercise, but i am also learning to descipline my self.

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