Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I love sports and I have always taken part in sporting events in and out of school. I especially like athletics and would like to improve my athletic skills as i hope to try out for the track team at the end of the year.
I really want to improve my swimming as i need to build by stamina so i can extend the boundaries of the events i participate in.
I chose wall climbing as an elective as it is active and good excersise. Keeping fit and eating healthily is important to me and I try my best to get at least 2-3 hours of excersise per week, which is not enough but as much as i can squeeze into my week at the moment. I am going to choose electives that are physically tiring so that i can be as active as i can in order to tire myself out and undertake new sporting challenges! .

Monday, November 16, 2009


Piano: I started playing the piano when i was six, and I did grades 1, 2 and 3. I don't enjoy getting all stressed because of exams, i just enjoy playing the piano. I would like to start again and I have already found a teacher so i need to fit the lessons into my week. I would like to do a minimum of an hour a week, but i will have to practice for at least half an hour a day, which is easy as I have a piano at home. I also want to improve my sight-reading as i am someone who plays by ear, and although this can come in useful sometimes, i think it would be more beneficial to myself if i could pick up some music and be able to play it. I would also like to learn some theory as i have (naturally) forgotten all the theory I learnt when i was younger.

Guitar: My mother and my sister play the guitar, so there is already one at home. There are many books on how to learn to play the guitar, so I might just pick up one of those and learn some chords etc. I would prefer this to getting a teacher as I can learn at my own pace without any pressure. I played the guitar for a while a few years ago in school, so i know a few chords, but that's about it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I started dance classes at the Deanna School of Dance last year as I enjoyed it and also needed some excercise. I had done jazz, tap and salsa (briefly) and danced previously danced with school and dance schools but i hadn't tried hip hop. Thus i wanted to start a new challenge. I joined the hip hop class for beginners, but as I had danced before I found I was not challenged at all by what was expected of me. I was moved into the more advanced class after a term but I didn't go as i had my exams. This made me aware of my strength in dancing and learning steps fast. I started in the advanced class a few minths ago and I think it is more fun than the other class. I'm still not challenged by the steps but that may be because im older than most of the people in the class and should be in the next class. I want to carry on dancing throughout the year because is so much fun and i need a break from all my homework once in a while!

Qualities i hope to gain from my CAS activities

  • The ability to STICK TO AN ACTIVITY and not give up despite how weak i may be at it
  • Understand and appreciate the importance of educating and helping peope less fortunate than myself
  • Become more ORGANIZED
  • Become more DISCIPLINED

CAS Objectives

Start dancing classes again and STICK TO IT THIS TIME!
Start piano lessons and IMPROVE MY PLAYING as well as LEARNING SOME THEORY.
Learn how to PLAY THE GUITAR.

IMPLROVE MY SWIMMING-backstroke and butterfly-and swim more often.
Get better at wall climbing.
Get on the athletics team at the end of the year.

Teach english to under-privilaged children.
Contribute my services and actively participate in Habitat for Humanity in school.