Saturday, September 4, 2010

Going to a health camp with my mother

Next weekend (friday, saturday and sunday) i am accompanying my mother (a doctor) on a health camp near Mannar (in the north of sri lanka). I will be in a group helping with setting up a school for the young children there.

My goals are:

to be co-operative and helpful whenever i can
improve my communication skills especially my sinhala which is abysmal :(
talk to the children and help to establish that it is VERY important that they study as that is their only hope for a better life for themselves and their families
attempt to fill the social and economic gap between 'colombo people' and people in remote areas.
i also think it is very important to show that the difference between the ethnicities: tamil and sinhala, is a socially imposed one and that there is no such thing as a superior ethnic group. i think that by so many people going to those IDP camps every month (there are 80 people on our bus alone) the next generation (hopefully mine too) will be able to identify themselves as sri lankan and not sinhala, tamil, burgher etc. as the people that go are of mixed origin-there are sinhala, tamil, burgher, muslim etc people helping in health camps, as translators, hepling to establish schools.. that is my long term goal, and i think most sri lankans share that goal with me.

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