Sunday, September 26, 2010

Versus Cancer concert

6 of us, from grades 10 to 12 took part in a bollywood dance. it was an item in the concert which raised money for the childrens ward at the maharagama cancer hospital. It also allowed me to gain insight into some pretty basic (but still!) bollywood steps. I appreciate dancing of any kind so it was interesting for me as i have never danced bollywood before. I also had a problem with choreographing because 1) i have not learned/danced this kind of dance before and 2) i have always been taught by some one and danced in groups, an environment in which knowledge about choreography is not needed. However, i managed to create some steps and formations, and although out of the 3 girls i choreographed the least, i am proud of the little i accomplished!

Us Practising!:

The performance also opened my eyes to the amount of dedication and perseverence required to host and plan a concert. Although i am not a part of the cancer hospital cas group, i spent the entire day at school on the day of the concert, and i saw how much effort goes into it. I have been to many concerts where ive been frustrated with the timing or the performances, and i am quick to critisize, but after seeing what goes on behind the scenes, i will think twice before i dismiss the efforts of the planners etc However, there were a few inevitable glitches in the running of things, and as an 'outsider' i saw solutions to these problems that the people organising didnt as i was not under stress etc. i observed their methods of conducting themselves and overall, i learnt alot about how one goes about creating a show. i also learnt, in minor cases, what not to do. this knowledge will help me i the future if i wish to organise a similar event.

And Practising more!

Another aspect of the performance was the organising and buying of costumes. I feel i became more responsible and independant as i had to made numerous trips to the tailor and i observed the manner in which my friends looked for the right costumes and materials etc. as i have no experience in these kind of things i gained alot of knowledge form observing in this case as well. This is the second time in my life i have worn a sari-, shameful as i am sri lankan but i learnt how to put one on and now i can do it-(not well) if i needed to. Thanks pri and pri's mum :):):)

The last, and most important aspect of the dance was, for me, the teamwork involved in the choreography and organizing at practices. The fact that each performer spent time practicing the dance so as not to let down the other performers was something that happened and that eachh of us appreciated. Devansh let us use his house as the place we practiced in which made it easier for all of us to meet. Thank you! :) and priyanka, shashwat and thishakya did not of the choreography, although each of us contributed a little towards the final performance. Overall it was a rewarding experience, i got alot of excersise, made friends with people from other grades that i did not speak to before,and had ALOT of fun.

Thank you saj for everything you did for the performance. The choreography, burning CD's everytime the songs were changed and being there for every practice helping us out whenever we had problems, ctitiquing our dancing and suggesting improvements... and just being there! :)

At the concert:

Click here to see video

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